Digging In

Community is a funny thing. We can be dropped right in the middle of it and still not feel like we have it. We can be surrounded by people who love and encourage us yet still feel lonely. A crowded loneliness of sorts.

When I moved to Nashville God dropped me right in the middle of a lively, Biblical, loving, supporting, challenging community. I jumped in and loved the time I spent with people here. But, there was still something missing…I still felt that crowded loneliness quite often though I did a pretty good job of hiding it…even from myself.

But, something changed after I went home for Christmas. I came back ready to dig in. And it has made all the difference. God puts promises within our grasp but we have to reach out and take hold of them. He gives us the freedom to refuse them.

Choosing to dig means being vulnerable…being the one to pick up the phone and extend an invitation…being honest…sharing from the heart…not holding back. Sure, it’s risky. I could get hurt. People could let me down…in fact they probably will because we all do. But, my relationships are richer and more life-giving than they ever have been. Surrendering fear and risking allows me to run full force into the community God has put in front of me. And there is indescribable beauty and joy in that.

What areas of your life do you need to do some digging into in?

With courage, Katie


  1. Praise God u have recognized the "crowded lonliness" at such a young tender age my precious daughter. You will be a stronger woman because of it. My prayer is that in your lonliest moments u will always remember your momma is praying for you and loving you forever and forever…..p.s. u can always come home and play piano and we can do a hymn sing :)

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