Community or Socialized Christianity?

I was talking with a friend recently and she was telling me about a new church she had been attending. As she was describing it she said something that struck me: “I can’t figure out if it’s got good community or just great socialized Christianity.”

OUCH! That made me think. I took a step back and looked at what I currently called my community and what I had called community in the past. And without a doubt, what I currently call my community is good community. It’s Biblical community. It’s much more than socialized Christianity. Unfortunately, I think we get the two confused quite often.

What do you think makes good community rather than just great socialized Christianity?

Throwback Sundays…The Pursuit of Wisdom

The Scripture below was the only thing I needed to be reminded of from this post:

A closing thought: Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. – James 3:13

A Guidebook for Visual Worship

When I started building PowerPoints for worship services back in 2003 I don’t think I’d ever even heard of the term “Visual Worship.” My how things have changed since then. Not just in relation to the tools – software upgrades, faster hardware, and better designed media – but in my heart as well.

I remember going to the Echo Conference in 2009 and hearing Camron Ware, Stephen Proctor, & Nate Griffin talk about Visual Worship. I walked away that day thinking “wow, I’m not crazy.” I had discovered there were other people out there who were asking some of the same questions, having the same conversations, and who valued some of the same things that I did when it came to the use of visual media in worship settings.

Fast forward to 2011 and I’ve been pretty blessed to be a part of my friend Stephen Proctor’s latest project – A Guidebook for Visual Worship. Walking through the editing process for this book has been challenging at times but honestly a ton of fun. Sadly I too often take for granted the fact that I get to work with some of my greatest friends. And on projects that we’re passionate about. It’s been quite an honor to see hours and hours of conversation over several cups of coffee and baskets of chips & salsa come to life in this book.

I think Proctor has put together a valuable guidebook based on what God has taught him along his journey in the visual worship realm over the last several years. In his words, it’s “ a training resource designed to cast vision & to equip.” You can read more of his heart behind the project here. And you can even download a sample version here if you are interested in taking a closer look. I just love seeing my friends living out their dreams and God given callings. So much joy in that.

Throwback Sundays…There’s No Place Like Home

I have been waiting to bring back this post in a Throwback Sunday. A year ago today, I wrote this…

“There’s no place like home.” Or is there? What is “home” after all? Where is it?
I’m sitting here in an apartment that I love with the sun shining in. It’s beautiful.
But in my hand I hold a cup of Drew’s Brews coffee.
And today, it’s taking me back to Nashville where I spent most of this past week. And my heart is sad, a piece of it almost feels empty. Is it possible that a place you have spent less than 72 hours in can feel like home?
Today, I think it is. And to be honest, it’s not a good feeling. I don’t know what God is up to in my heart but I sure can’t wait to figure it out.
Where is “home” for you? Is it more than one place?

Today, Nashville IS home. I’ve been here 6 months. I’ve seen a couple of seasons come and go.

And I still love it. But it’s the people here that make it home. Without a doubt.


Pursue experiences because no one wants to hear stories
about all the money you made. – Simon Sinek

I kinda love that. Like a lot. I am a fan of experiences. I like to create & design them. And in the end, I think experiences make for a much more fulfilling life than making money. But that’s just my humble opinion.

I treasure experiences…well at least most of them :) My favorite one lately: worshipping with my Journey family during SPACE – a station based worship environment – last Monday. An incredible blend of reflection, peace, and joy.

What is your favorite experience in recent memory?