Tag Archives: Life

Writing Stories Part 1

May 28th. Wow. The year isn’t even half over and already it looks entirely different than I could have ever predicted.

In January I had every intention of sitting down and writing some stories for my life in 2010. And although I thought about them a lot, right now I’m glad I didn’t write them down. Because God has done a number on my heart since then and most of those stories would be obsolete and quite frankly unimportant to me, stories I wouldn’t even want to pursue. But since this year started, I feel like God has placed new stories in my heart. But this time, they aren’t mine, they are His for me. And that makes all difference.

As I write this I am still having an argument in my head as to whether or not I’m going to write stories for my life for the rest of 2010 (and beyond). Part of me just wants to get them down on paper and out of my head in order to process them. Part of me is afraid to put them down on paper because what if they don’t happen or they become obsolete. And the other, bigger, part of me is afraid to put them down because putting them down on paper means being held accountable for them, it means they’re real. And as exciting as that is it can also be completely terrifying at times. Because I know that the stories that God has placed on my heart are not going to be easy, they’re not going to be comfortable, they’re not going to be safe, and I like all of those things much more than I like risk.

But, let the risk taking begin. The stories are scheduled to post next week…even if in very rough draft form.

On a side note, “thank you” to those who have been a part of my bigger life story. I continue to be humbled and amazed at the people and relationships God has used to bless my life. Conversations I have had over the last five months have forever changed me. And I love that.

You know you were born in ________ if…

I’ve worked with kids in some capacity for the last 7 years of my life. I remember the first time a child told me their birthday was something 2000 when I was volunteering with an inner city after school program. That was crazy to me then, and for some reason it still is a little bit. Those children were born into a world that I grew into.

The other day I was working with a couple of kids and we were acting out some imaginary story. I said something about them not being able to get their (imaginary) horse back because they didn’t know where I was. A little girl, 7, responded as she lifted her hand as if holding a small box like object “That’s okay, I’ve got my GPS, just give me your address and I’ll find you.” I laughed…hard. I don’t know about you, but I didn’t have even imaginary GPSs when I was a kid.

Last night around 10pm I saw a meteor/fireball type object fly through the sky as I was working outside on my patio. I tweeted about it because it was so amazing. It didn’t take long for someone to respond telling me they had also seen it…in a different state…and that they had read someone else who had seen it on Facebook and lived near where it landed. By this morning, less than 12 hours later, that meteor controls 7 pages of Google search results and has a Facebook fan page with nearly 1,000 fans last time I checked.

If you’ve read this far, you’re probably wondering “what’s the point?”

My point: I honestly wonder what kind of world my kids (if the Lord blesses me with some) will grow up in. Television is today’s “evil turn the mind to mush” medium…I wonder if it will even exist as we know it when my kids are growing up. The speed with which information can travel across cyberspace still amazes me, and I hope it always does. The speed with which technology is advancing still amazes me, and again, I hope it always does.

We’ve all seen those lists, right? You know you were born in the 70s if…or the 80s if…or the 90s if…and so on. Today, I’m wondering what that list will look like for my kids, for children born two generations from now.

There’s No Place Like Home

“There’s no place like home.” Or is there? What is “home” after all? Where is it?

I’m sitting here in an apartment that I love with the sun shining in. It’s beautiful.

But in my hand I hold a cup of Drew’s Brews coffee.

And today, it’s taking me back to Nashville where I spent most of this past week. And my heart is sad, a piece of it almost feels empty. Is it possible that a place you have spent less than 72 hours in can feel like home?

Today, I think it is. And to be honest, it’s not a good feeling. I don’t know what God is up to in my heart but I sure can’t wait to figure it out.

Where is “home” for you? Is it more than one place?

Is Gray Our New Favorite Color?

“Well, that’s a bit of a gray area.”

I was catching up on some blog reading this weekend and came across that phrase a lot. Almost too much. And it got me thinking.

Now, I get that there are things in the Bible that are adiophra – not really addressed – a.k.a. gray areas. However, I think oftentimes we abuse this phrase. Instead of using it to say it’s an area we can’t really say with certainty is right or wrong and therefore have absolutely no right to tell others whether it’s right or wrong, I wonder if we use it as an excuse. I wonder if we use it as an excuse to allow ourselves to satisfy our desires without guilt. You know like if we are 100% honest with ourselves we probably shouldn’t be doing it but the Bible doesn’t explicitly say it’s forbidden so we call it a gray area and all is well?

I’m not saying everything is black and white, but I’m not sure saying so much is a gray area is the right way to go either. What do you think? Are we using our gray crayons just a little too much?

Tell it Like It Is – My Story

Something has been stirring inside me for the last couple of months. Despite the fact that I am fighting giving in because I know it’s going to be uncomfortable recent experiences have left me feeling compelled to share my story. As I was reminded at the STORY conference week before last, we each have a story to tell – stories that are part of the greatest story every told. God can and will use our stories to reach people for his Kingdom if we are willing to tell them. In telling them, however, we must be more than transparent – we must be vulnerable.

And so with that, I begin my story. My story is one of a girl who his admittedly broken and scarred. A girl who feels like she has hit rock bottom more than once in her life. But in the end a girl who has hope. And not just any hope, but the greatest hope. The hope that one day all of the hurt, the pain, the sadness, everything that breaks her, will disappear and she will spend eternity in Heaven with her Savior.

I actually sat down and wrote my story, or the highlights of my life story, a week ago. I was still working up the courage to actually post it on my blog when I realized I was fooling myself. I had told my story, I had been transparent, but I hadn’t been vulnerable. And so, after a few more battles with myself I sat down and began again. This time around I left out the life story and focused on the part I really felt compelled to tell which is also of course the part I least wanted to tell.

That part of the story begins at the end of summer, just as I was getting ready to start my junior year of college. My hands had started to hurt, and not just that, they were stiff and swollen. I couldn’t turn on and off faucets, couldn’t open jars or soda bottles, couldn’t pour milk from a gallon jug. Basically, I knew something wasn’t right. And I knew from having two grandmothers who had arthritis that what I was experiencing was an awful lot like what they experienced. So, to the doctor I went. After testing and a visit to a Rheumatologist they came to the diagnosis of Rheumatory Arthritis. I started some medication and all was going well…until.

I went home for Christmas that year and returned to campus two weeks before classes were due to start. By the time classes started that semester I could hardly walk up the stairs. I had to push and pull myself in order to stand up from a chair. When sitting I couldn’t lift my foot off of the ground no matter how hard I thought about it. Freaked out I called my doctor. His first question, “Are you paralyzed? Did you hurt your back?” “Maybe it’s a pinched nerve,” he said. But there was no pain. There was only the inability to move.

After tests and specialists and a trip to the Mayo Clinic I was diagnosed with Dermatomyositis. In church we have pastor words. Well, that’s a doctor word for arthritis of the muscles. In my daily life this means pain in my muscles, swollen and painful joints, extreme fatigue, difficulty breathing, and just overall exhaustion. I ain’t gonna lie, there are days when I don’t want to get out of bed. When I wake up and the pain is there immediately I don’t want to move. There are points in my life when I am not only physically exhausted but also emotionally and spiritually exhausted.

Let me back up a second. My condition is something I strive very hard to hide. I feel that once people know, they immediately look at me differently. Typically it is one of two reactions. Either they look at me and say “you are so strong” “wow, I’m so impressed” and the focus turns to me and I’m not about that. The second reaction is that people think I am weak or fragile and therefore don’t ask things of me because they don’t want to be a burden or be overbearing. You may be asking what reaction I would like people to have. That’s a pretty easy answer. I would like people to look at me and knowing my story say “Wow, God is good. He works in crazy ways, but he is good even through pain and suffering, he is good.”

Now trust me, I don’t always have that reaction. It’s not always easy to step back and look at my life and say “God is good.” I’ll be honest, there are times when my sinful nature gets the best of me and I simply get angry, feel sorry for myself, and ask why. For the first couple of years after I was diagnosed as much as I tried to hide it, I was depressed. I put on a strong happy face but inside I was deeply hurting. I was miserable in every way. My disease consumed me.

But thankfully, that isn’t where I stayed. I finally got over myself and realized that none of it, not even my disease is about me. It’s about what God is doing through me. That brings with it an incredible sense of freedom. A pressure to be a certain way is lifted. My self confidence and identity became fully rooted in Him and not in any piece of myself. And who am I to hide what God is doing and pretend like it’s not there? That doesn’t mean it’s always pretty or that it always looks like others think a Christian is supposed to look, but it’s me. Every broken, angry, frustrated piece of it is me. And like Paul in 2 Corinthians, I believe that when I am at my weakest, God gets the most glory. Because who gives me the strength to make it through, to persevere? Him and him alone.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10 “But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

What story are you trying to hide? Don’t be afraid of your brokeness – embrace it and let God’s glory shine through!

Why Are You Still Here?

In his sermon on Sunday, our guest, Pastor Jason, asked a question that has haunted me in the time since, “Why are you still here?” His answer: “Christians, you are here because God wants you to invest in someone’s eternity.”

Wow! That was like a punch in the gut for me. Working at a church, I do the church thing every day. It is my life. But how often do I personally invest in someone else’s eternity? If I’m honest, I’m ashamed of the answer.

Today I hit the streets of Appleton to shoot a video for worship on Sunday that reminded me of the urgency of the work God has called us to do. There are so many people in Appleton, young and old, who don’t have saving faith. I have to continually ask myself what I am doing to invest in their eternity. I talked with parents who desperately want their child to find their way back to church and rekindle that personal relationship with Jesus. Again, I have to ask myself, what am I doing to invest in their children’s eternity.

God has called me and you, not just the church, to share our faith. How will you do that today?