Tag Archives: Faith

Throwback Sundays…Heartless Worship

“I hate, I despise your religious feasts; I cannot stand your assemblies. Even though you bring me burnt offerings and grain offerings, I will not accept them. Though you bring choice fellowship offerings, I will have no regard for them. Away with the noise of your songs! I will not listen to the music of your harps. But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” – Amos 5:21-24

It was almost a year ago that I remember actually hearing that passage for the first time. God messed with my head that March 4th in Nashville when Paul Briney, who I am now honored to call a friend, shared that passage of Scripture. That was the spark that lit the fire that eventually took me away from Appleton and brought me to Nashville.

You can read the rest of the post here. Love looking back on memories like this one. :)

The Twenty #7 – What the Kingdom of God Really Looks Like

The Kingdom of God. We throw that phrase around a lot but I often wonder if we know what it means. And I’ll be honest, tackling this topic is daunting.

I had a professor in college who made us memorize this definition: the Kingdom of God is God’s rule in the hearts of His people. I think that definition fails to capture the majesty of the Kingdom. Even now I struggle to find words that seem fitting to describe what it really looks like.

It is powerful and grand yet also found in the beauty of simplicity.
It is the intricate web spun by a spider.
And the tallest building constructed by men.
It is the sound of a thousand voices joined in worship.
And the barely audible rustling of leaves in a calm breeze.
I see the Kingdom of God in the mountains.
I see it in the center of the city.
In the eyes of strangers and the smiles of friends.
I hear it in the laughter of children and love freely given.

Quite simply: the Kingdom of God is His presence. It is a Holy God choosing to dwell in the hearts and lives of unholy people. It is love. It is grace. It is relationship. That’s where it starts and that’s where it ends. In between is the Church.

This is the seventh post in a series of twenty. For more on the background, check out this post.

The Twenty #6 – The Day I Knew God Was Real

God has always been a part of my life. I’ve attended a worship service most Sundays of my 25 and a half years. There have been plenty of other aspects of faith that I have doubted, but the existence of God hasn’t been one of them…yet.

Growing up in the church didn’t necessarily mean that I always had a relationship with God though. And relationship, for me, is what makes God real.

It’s not the big things in my life that convince me that God is real.
It’s the little things.
It’s the fact that He’s in the smallest of details.
It’s the beauty of paradox that always surprises me.
It’s the incredible way that He weaves together experiences and conversations in writing our stories

I can honestly say that God has never felt more real than He does right now in this season. And I’d say that’s become increasingly more true each day since I moved to Nashville. God is more tangible to me than ever. I feel like I can literally see Him at work in my life and the lives of those around me. In my church. In the Church. In the world.

Layers of life experiences merging together, long forgotten threads reemerging to grace the fabric with their brilliant colors, surreal conversations…it all leaves me believing that the Spirit is moving and working, that God is real and He is orchestrating something big on the horizon.

When did you knew God was real? How does He continue to remind you of that?

Throwback Sundays…He’s Got This

When I stop and look at a sunset or up at the night sky it still amazes me that the God who created all of that…the Creator of the universe knows me by name…love me.

I wrote this post probably more for myself than anyone because I had to remind myself everyday that He had and still has it all under control. But, I promise, He’s got this!

One Word 2011…

A couple of days ago I mentioned I was considering one word for 2011 after being inspired by this post from Alece. I’ve spent some time over the last few days praying about that word and I think it’s pretty clear. I think it’s one that God has been preparing my heart for in the last several weeks. And that word is surrender.

I thought about other words…

But in the end, I realized that it really all came down to surrender…
Surrendering fear of trusting, of risking, of dreaming
Surrendering my plans for action
Surrendering to risk and trust in relationships and community
Surrendering takes courage

I realized that at the root of all those other words was a common denominator. The reason I don’t risk, don’t dream, struggle with trust, resist relationships, shy away from true community, am afraid, fail to take action, and lack courage all comes down to one thing…me not fully surrendering everything I have and everything I am to the One who gave it all to me.

So, I figured why focus on the symptoms when I can attack the cause head on :) A challenge? No doubt! One I can accomplish on my own? Absolutely not! But, bring on the pain. And yes, feel free to throw that back at me when I’m complaining about the pain that will inevitably come :) But I believe there is beauty and peace in surrender that we cannot fully know or comprehend until we are truly living it. And I believe complete surrender is worship…I believe it’s what we’re called to. And so, that’s my vision for 2011…my direction…surrender…complete surrender. What exactly that will look like I’m not sure, but I think I’m okay with that for now. I know He’s got a plan just waiting for me to reach out and take hold of.

Will you take the challenge? One word for 2011? If you do let me know!

Ponder…Why You Brought Me Here

As I’ve wrestled with the doubt that inevitably creeps in when you make a major life change over the past couple of months this song has put words to my heart. As the year comes to a close I thought it was fitting to ponder. Because though I still don’t understand all of the reasons, I am constantly reminded of how perfect His plan is.

I know I’d get an answer
That I won’t understand
If I ask that your intentions be made clear
I know Your plans are greater
And in that greater plan
Are the reasons why You brought me here

My story would be different
If it were only mine to write
There are secrets I would never volunteer
But secrets lose their power
When they have no place to hide
Maybe that is why You brought me here

Oh, all I see are the ruins
As the smoke starts to clear
Oh, I hope You know what You’re doin’
‘Cuz You brought me here

It’s a mess of my own making
This I won’t deny
Though the consequences shake my heart with fear
If I was happy with the way things were
I’d give more of a fight
I guess I’m grateful that You brought me here

Oh, all I see are the ruins
As the smoke starts to clear
Oh, I hope You know what You’re doin’
‘Cuz You brought me here

And if it’s hard to raise the white flag
It’s even harder to believe
That surrendering is worth the sacrifice
That the very thing I always feared would be the death of me
Was a way to come alive

Though it hurts to be this broken
It’s bearable some how
As the chance to prove I’m worthy disappears
I always heard You loved me
But I think I know it now
Is that the reason why You brought me here?
I guess I’m grateful that You brought me here.

Lyrics from “The Reasons Why You Brought Me Here” by Jason Gray