“What are you afraid of right now?”
I’ve been working on a project for the last few months with three dear friends & that was the question our fearless leader in the group threw out at us the other day.
My answer? Friendships. I’m afraid that this project will eventually kill my friendships with those three individuals. But that hasn’t made me walk away yet. Because even though that is a deeply rooted fear of mine, I still believe some of the most powerful ideas come to life in community. I believe that vision born out of community is perhaps one of the most beautiful creative gifts on the planet. The synergy of relationship, heart, skill, & vision is undeniably powerful. Rooted in bold humility I believe it has the power to be truly life changing in ways we can’t even imagine.
I’ve been trying for the last several months to reconcile that fear & that deeply rooted belief of mine. And honestly, I’ve made next to zero progress. But after voicing that fear with those friends today, I’ve realized that perhaps it’s not about reconciling the fear but about pushing on in spite of it.
The truth is that with the right perspective, fear doesn’t stop me, it simply keeps me in check.
Do you let your fears stop you? Or do you view them as guardrails to guide you on the journey?