
What makes you uncomfortable? Talking to people you don’t know? Riding public transportation? Sending your kids to school? Moving to a new town? Having a “tough” conversation? Talking about your feelings? Sharing your faith?

We started Jonah tonight at The CORE and I forgot how much I love that story and how much I can relate to Jonah. So often like him I disobey God because my way seems more comfortable or easier.

For me, going away to high school and moving into a dorm away from home at the age of 13 was a bit uncomfortable. Going to college in a different state at a school where I knew no one was a bit uncomfortable. Walking into a church I’d never been to in Milwaukee and getting involved, talking to people I didn’t know – that was uncomfortable. Getting sick when I was in college forcing me to be less independent and admit weakness was extremely uncomfortable. Moving back to a “small town” coming to Appleton from the city of Milwaukee I loved so much was uncomfortable.

My list of “uncomfortables” could go on and on. Yet in hindsight I see God’s hand in every single one of them and rejoice that he is so much wiser than I am and in control of my life. Don’t be afraid to be uncomfortable for God. He always has a plan.

How have you seen God work through the uncomfortable situations in your life? What has he taught you through those times?

When Dreams Die

I’m at the Echo Conference this week and loving being surrounded by other creatives who have a heart for echoing the Gospel through media and technology. So cool. Tonight Phil Vischer, the creator of Veggie Tales, spoke. Words cannot fully express everything he said and how much it hit me (literally like getting punched in the gut over and over) but it was phenomenal. One of those talks you hear and think to yourself: I need to replay that about once every other week when I’m starting to veer off track.

He talked a lot about dreams and callings and what happens when our dreams come true and when they fail. What stuck with me the most was this:

“When God gives you a dream, and then he shows up in it and it comes to life, and the suddenly it dies, maybe God wants to know what’s more important – him or the dream.” Wow! I definitely need to hear that, but I don’t want to I’ll tell you that. See the problem comes in that we begin to latch our personal and very specific outcomes onto the dreams and callings God has placed in our hearts. When we do that, it doesn’t take long for him to get pushed out of the way and our dream becomes our idol.

So next time you feel like your dream is dying, take a good long hard look and consider if God may be behind it teaching you a lesson, pruning you, and drawing you back to him.

What dreams do you have? What dreams have you had that have died? Looking back can you see God’s hand in it all?

You’re Such a Tool

“You’re such a tool.”

Has anyone ever said that to you before? Most of the time that phrase carries a very negative connotation. But, I’d like to suggest a different understanding.

I am a tool.

I am a tool of God. I don’t stop and thank Him enough for his grace. The grace that he chooses to use me as a tool for his kingdom.

I heard Ski say recently: “You don’t look at a house recently built and say, ‘Wow! That hammer, those saws, they really did a great job.’ No, you look at the people who put the power behind those tools and say ‘Wow! Those builders did a great job! The same is true of you and I. We’re just tools. God does the work.’”

So true. Seems so simple. Yet, we forget that all too often. None of us deserve to be tools for God, but I feel blessed that I am.

What about you? Are you a tool? How is God using your for His kingdom?

One Year

This last week, I was asked this question: “What would you do if you had only one year to live?”

Honestly, without too much thinking, I had an answer. I would take all of the medicine I needed to take so that I would have the strength and health to travel the world. I want to see God’s beautiful creation and tell people about Jesus.

Then I got to thinking, why do we have this idea that we need to wait until death is looking us in the eye to live out our dreams? What is it about pending death that gives us the courage to take risks and live freely, chasing our crazy dreams?

What about you? What would you do if you have only one year to live?

Why wait?

My “World”

I came to Minnesota today for a quick visit with family. It’s the first time I’ve been here since Christmas and the first time I’ve really been here in quite a long time. I mean it’s the first time I am mentally and emotionally present more than just physically. And the thought kept recurring to me tonight how awesome our God is that he creates us with the ability to adapt.

You see, the environment, the culture, the “world” that I function in while with my family is so very different from the one I live in on a daily basis. And even the “world” I live in on a daily basis differs based on where I’m at and who I’m with. I love that my God has created me with the ability to function and thrive in all of those “worlds.” He created me with a personality and interests that are so complex that each of my “worlds” highlights a different piece of it.

Do you see that ability in yourself? Did God create you as a multi-faceted person or are you pretty one size fits all? (I’m guessing you’re more multi-faceted than you think)

The Fish Test

When I was in college my roommate and I had a goldfish. Joey was a big goldfish and had a nice big tank all to himself. He was fun to watch. He also served another purpose. My roommate and I could tell what kind of day the other had had with the answer to a simple question: Do you feel sorry for Joey today or do you wish you were him?

You see, on a good day you felt sorry for Joey because who would want to be stuck in a tank when there is so much fun to be had in the world. But on a not so good day, you wished you were Joey so all you had to worry about was swimming, and eating, and swimming some more.

What about you? Do you feel sorry for Joey today or wish you were him?