It All Feels So Official

I spend a great deal of time & energy encouraging other people to pursue their dreams & ideas. Encouraging them to overcome the resistance…to fight the fear…& just do it. But I will be the first to admit that I almost always need to be looking in the mirror when I’m giving those pep talks.

When I moved to Nashville 7 months ago I figured I would probably end up doing freelance work but was hesitant to jump into it because I don’t consider myself a “business person.” I had a conversation in November that was a punch in the gut, get moving moment. But here is it the last day of March and I just not finally took the step that I’ve been putting off…launching – a website for my freelance work.

I am still fighting resistance. Fighting fear. Fighting the tension in it for me. But I’m blessed with incredible friends & mentors who push me to keep fighting. And I’m pretty grateful for them. With the website live & the business cards that also came in the mail today, I feel like I can officially call myself a freelancer. :)

What project or dream are you fighting resistance on right now?

With courage, Katie


  1. I love your site! I'm a few steps behind you in branching out into my own business – well at least as far as website and business cards go. This business stuff takes time! Yes, it does seem like there's a lot of resistance, mostly self-created, I'm afraid. It's all good though.

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