Is “story” Just Another Passing Fad?

Relationships and the lessons I learn through them are by far my biggest takeaway from conferences. I love the opportunity to meet new people and reconnect with friends who live too far away.

But, if there was another thing I took away from Echo last week it was to be more intentional about telling good stories…especially in artistic ventures. And while that’s a takeaway I wholeheartedly agree with and one that I am passionate about, I’ll be honest , it wasn’t anything new to me. In fact, the idea of telling good stories, better stories, seems to be a growing theme in the circles of the American church I live in.

Now, I’m not proposing there is anything wrong with this. In fact I’ve made striving to tell and live good stories a part of my life…I even wrote a post about it. But I can’t help but wonder if it’s just another passing fad…wonder what will happen when we all get tired of telling better stories. What will be the next big idea?

But, then I’m reminded of Scripture. And, if Scripture is truly narrative, truly God’s Story, then maybe story is here to stay?


With courage, Katie

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